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爱丁堡大学PS的要求是什么? 3814

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皇冠现金网留学,国家教育部首批认证的出国留学机构,获全球顶级ICEF 教育参展组织机构认可留学中介(Screened Agency),全国留学机构服务联盟(COSSA)会员单位,北京留学服务行业协会(BOSSA)会员单位,中国教育国际交流协会自费出国留学中介服务分会理事单位,超过10年海外留学移民服务经验的资深专家,帮助数千名学子完成海外求学及成功就业梦想。
如果对留学及海外就业有任何疑问,欢迎拨打电话 022-2328-9071/9075


最近,皇冠现金网出国的一些同学准备递交爱丁堡大学的申请了。我以爱丁堡大学的Accounting and Finance management举例,看看PS都需要回答什么问题?

Programme Details部分有两个问题需要回答

1. Please give a short statement that describes your academic interests, purpose, objectives and motivation in undertaking this postgraduate study.3500字符或500字以内

2. Relevant Knowledge/Training Skills.3500字符或500字以内。

3. Professional Qualifications如有与申请专业相关的资格证书可以写上,并需要提供细节

Please provide details of any professional qualifications that you hold that are relevant to the degree that you are applying to, for example ‘CIMA Certificate in business accounting’. Please do not record academic qualifications here: these must be provided in the ‘Academic Qualifications’ section above.

Answering 'Yes' to the following question will display a section allowing you to provide details about the qualifications you hold.